What Are Your Symptoms Telling You?

We’ve been trained to think that symptoms are a sign that something has gone wrong. Or worse, that there is something wrong with us.

As a result, we buy into the idea that some product, diet, course, guru can fix the problem.

Fix us.

But here’s the truth:

You are not broken.

And your body doesn’t make mistakes.

Those symptoms you’re experiencing – from PMS, anxiety, bloating, mood swings, difficulty losing weight (yep, that’s a symptom!) and everything in between – are your body’s way of trying to get your attention.

To let you know that something is out of balance and needs support.

When you view your symptoms as evidence that something is wrong and needs fixing, you automatically set yourself up in opposition to your body.

This keeps you separate from your body’s wisdom (a.k.a your intuition) and results in force and struggle.

A “you vs your body” approach.

This approach to health requires a huge amount of energy and willpower that is simply not sustainable.

Even if you achieve some short-term success by “managing” your symptoms, it’s all too easy to fall off track when - sooner or later - life throws you a curve ball and you have to loosen your tight grip on the reins.

When that happens, it’s highly likely your symptoms will flare-up, or maybe even get worse.

On top of that, you now also have to contend with those feelings of guilt, shame and self-crimination that rear their heads when you “fail” at being perfect.

There is another way.

It may not be as sexy as the short-term quick fix – and may well require patience and courage – yet it offers riches far greater than the false sheen of perfection.

When you…

…let go of the limiting belief that there is something wrong with you

…embrace the idea that you’re already enough as you are, right now

…hold the possibility that your body is your friend, your ally and ever faithful partner on this journey called life

…are brave enough to listen to what your body is really asking for, instead of forcing her into an unsustainable ideal of perfection

That’s when the true magic happens.

Despite what the world at large wants us to believe, you already have everything you need to be who you want to be.

The key is getting out of your own way long enough – and asking for support when you need it – to remember your own power.

And it all starts with listening to your body.

My 10+ years studying, researching and practicing in the fields of nutrition, mindset, somatics and holistic health has always led me back to this simple truth:

Your body is wise.

It is always seeking to heal and return to a state of homeostasis (the technical term for balance). When there is a barrier to this process, your body alerts you to it.

And that’s exactly what symptoms are: messages from your body.

They are the language your body uses to communicate when things are out of balance. They are a gentle (or sometimes not so gentle!) way of your body saying:

“Hey, you! Pay attention….something isn’t working here! This needs to change!”

Your symptoms are an invitation from your body to get curious, not something your body is doing wrong.

The messages start softly, an almost imperceptible feeling that “something’s off”. If you don’t listen, the messages keep getting louder, more insistent – and often more painful.

These messages can show up physically, mentally and emotionally.

They can be inconvenient, uncomfortable, painful, frustrating and even life-changing. But that’s the point really. They are a wake-up call, a sign that something is not working.

It takes courage to listen. To make the choice to pause and ask what needs your attention.

Yes, changing perspective in this way can feel unfamiliar and maybe even uncomfortable at first.

But behind that discomfort lies an opportunity for real, meaningful change.

To stop the war with your body.

To shift from the old paradigm of “you vs your body” that is keeping you stuck, and instead to start living in harmony WITH your body.

And like any relationship, once you begin to nurture and cultivate it, it naturally gets easier.

And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend.”

It took a long breath and replied,

“I have been waiting my whole life for this.”

~ Nayyirah Waheed

If you’re feeling stuck, or you’ve read this and thought, “well that’s all great, but how exactly do I start listening to my body?!” then I’d love to help.

Simply get in touch here to book your FREE call with me.

You’ll have the opportunity to get super clear on what your body is really asking for and receive guidance on how to start cultivating a healthy, sustainable relationship with it.

You'll also receive a simple embodiment practice tailored to your needs so you can strengthen your intuition, tap into your gut instinct and start rebuilding self-trust.


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